Saturday, August 21

Build a better India

India Today had always been next to my heart. I enjoy reading this and continue to do so. I still remember spending time in my university library every Wednesday with the latest edition of India Today, International edition. Their cover stories had always fascinated me a lot. Now luckily I have access to their online edition. The cover story, “57 ways to make India a better Place” in the last week edition of India Today by Mr. S. Prasannarajan was simply the best I have ever read.

He has clearly portrayed what areas we lag in and what areas we are not what we could be and what we had lost in these 57 years of freedom. I would recommend you to read the article if you get a chance.

“Still, in the 57th year of its political freedom, India is yet to discover the Model Man of democracy, or the New Man that Nehruvian socialism aspired to create. And most glaringly, Asia's only fully developed civil society is one of its most unequal societies as well, with its divisions starker and its fault lines wider. The paradoxical nation has come a long way from the Oriental stereotype of photogenic poverty and atavistic mannerisms.

The state is kinetic for all the wrong reasons, and it still doesn't reach out to where its intervention is badly needed, where freedom is an abstraction. Add to this scenario of dispossession the ungainly instincts-civic, religious and cultural-of freedom and you get a nation let down by its own traits, a nation shortchanged by its own safe-keepers.”

This article will truly instigate a fire, in everyone, to do something for building a better India.


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